2017 scholarships

2020 scholarships

Winning 2020 scholarships in Jamaica will be much easier this academic year. 2020 scholarships from all major universities from the University of the West Indies in Kingston to the Northern Caribbean University in Mandeville.

Win 2020 Scholarships in Jamaica

Winning 2020 scholarships in Jamaica will be much easier this academic year. 2020 scholarships from all major universities from the University of the West Indies in Kingston to the Northern Caribbean University in Mandeville. Not wanting to take full credit, but, we at ScholarshipJamaica.com have realized that there are a growing emphasis on scholarships and grants from the top local colleges. Great News overall!

The research team at ScholarshipJamaica are predicting a record-breaking year for scholarships and bursaries hand-outs. Years gone by, there were hundreds of scholarships valued in the tens of millions from top universities left on the table because the lack of applicants. Our issues were, and still remains, the lack of applicants doesn’t result from unqualified or incomplete applications, but rather the lack of awareness.

The Change is Here

Thanks to local scholarship coaches embedded on many campuses and complemented by constant social media promotions, the word is getting out that 2020 scholarships and bursaries are offered by hundreds of local and international donors in the form of conglomerates like GraceKennedy, Digicel, NCB to individuals like our founder and CEO and foundations such as the Pocket Rocket Foundation.

Make the student services and financial aid office in college your favorite place to visit this academic year and beyond. Know the personalities so that you can call on them at anytime or they can call on you for information about new and renewing scholarships and bursaries. Lets not make scholarships a secret anymore. If you hear about a scholarship, tell a friend.

Secrets to Winning 2020 Scholarships 

Fortunately, there are no secrets to winning scholarships for the 2020/2021 academic year in Jamaica and in any other college territory. We are putting it out there now. To win 2020 scholarships, we recommend you adopt the following strategies. We assure you that you will be successful like many of our clients. The following list isn’t the final, there are many more that can be added, use these as a guideline to winning your 2020 scholarships in Jamaica.

  1. Start applying for scholarships NOW! Are you currently enrolled? Have you applied to college? It doesn’t matter what stage you are. Identify and apply to the scholarships that you are qualified for while you wait on your college application results.
  2. Contact your financial aid office and representative and ask about scholarships and bursaries for your faculty. Ask for the list and review it yourself and ALWAYS check the school’s website.
  3. Use the internet. Yes, not just for social media but to research scholarship information and tips. Fortunately for you, scholarshipjamaica.com is your scholarship resource-one-stop – the combo plan!
  4. Reach out to your employer or your parents employer, club, church and businesses in your area. They may not advertise it, but they do offer or in many cases, your query will initiative a grant or bursary.
  5. Use our website, contact us and let our research team and scholarship coaches help you find and win the perfect scholarship for you.
  6. Always, Always reach out to professionals, previous and current scholarship winners, opinion leaders and companies in your field of study.
  7. Finally, check out the Ministry of Finance scholarship and assistance unit. This is the main source of scholarships for international studies through bilateral government agreements such as the Cuba Medical Scholarship, Brazil, Japan, OAS and the New Zealand scholarship programs.

Go out and win free money to pay for your tuition. For help contact us

2017 Scholarships in Jamaica
Article Name
2017 Scholarships in Jamaica
Winning 2020 scholarships in Jamaica will be much easier this academic year. 2020 scholarships from all major universities from the University of the West Indies in Kingston to the Northern Caribbean University in Mandeville.


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