It’s PEP results season! The Ministry of Education will be publishing all Primary Exit Profile (PEP) assessment results this June 2024. The following are the most up-to-date PEP Bursary sources in Jamaica. The kids have done their part, now it’s your turn to do your part and win some FREE MONEY!
Financial Aid Help is Here
The Education Ministry on Wednesday opened an online portal. The portal is for the registration of parents and guardians for their children’s PEP results. This move follows this year’s Primary Exit Profile (PEP) assessment.
Acting Chief Education Officer in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information Dr Kasan Troupe, told the Jamaica Information Service that students’ placements and scores will be available to parents from 4 p.m on Friday.
The results will, however, be available to schools earlier.
Click here for PEP results link for parents: www.parent.dpisonline.com
“Over 39,000 parents and guardians would have been provided with a welcome letter. The letter will bear login credentials and directions on how to activate their accounts,” Troupe said.
She said, the login credentials were sent to primary-level institutions and should be distributed to all parents before Thursday, June 25. Parents will be required to visit the PEP results online portal using the unique login credentials provided and follow the instructions.
They will be prompted to create a new password to ensure confidentiality. They will only be able to access information for their child or ward. Troupe has sought to assure that the necessary mechanisms will be in place to ensure that the system can handle the volume of hits from people trying to access PEP scores and placements.
Source from The Jamaica Gleaner
Primary Exit Profile Assessment (PEP) Bursary Sources
Congratulations! Your child/children have just completed a major step towards greater education by beating this Primary Exit Profile Assessment (PEP results) test. So stressful, right!
The students did their part, now it’s time for you to represent and do your part. The following are the main sources of PEP Bursary available island wide. Please note that there are other PEP scholarship sources that you should approach for assistance that may not be on this list.
Donors and your friends may tell you to wait for the bursary provider to contact you. We say, Don’t! The Ministry of Education has a policy and practice to contact major PEP bursary donors. Donors include The Jamaica Energy Partners, VMBS Foundation, the NCB and Sagicor Foundation. These organizations in return will contact the top students in the parish, county, school district and overall top students in the island and shower them with financial awards and career opportunities.
What Happen to the Average PEP Result Candidates?
What happen to those who are not on top?
We are here to tell you that, this list is for you. The following sources were curated by our research team. These PEP awards are open to applications now. Application can either be made with their application forms, via a telephone call or with a PEP Bursary Application Letter.
Local Credit Unions, Building Society and Banks
All local Credit Unions offer PEP Bursaries that are now accepting applications. Not seeing the advertisement doesn’t mean the opportunities aren’t available. They are! See the list of credit unions in Jamaica here. Review the list of choices and select your credit union(s) to apply to. It’s very important to know that, you NEED to be a current member of the credit union and your child MUST have an account with the institution.
Your Bank is also a major PEP results financial aid source. Call them today or stop by the local office. Your NCB, BNS, JN Bank or Sagicor Bank (to name few) can work for you today! Preferably, go in person with the most positive body language (I know I belong here – attitude) and ask the first representative you see for the PEP Bursary application form. You got this!
Additionally, the private loan providers – AIM Financial, Access Financial, WorldNet, CashBiz, Niche Financing, ISP Finance and the full list of these short-term loan providers are here. Like always, call or visit their office and ask for the PEP Bursary application forms. Make sure you have an account with the provider that you are contacting.
Not-for-Profit Foundations
A Not-for-profit foundation is a nonprofit organization or foundation (NPO), also known as a non-business entity, not-for-profit organization. It’s dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view.
In Jamaica, all major public and private financial institution, company and global conglomerates have their not-for-profit arm. These foundations offer millions each year in scholarships and other education related funding. Contact them and ask about their PEP Bursaries or view their advertisements on our social media platforms. Some of the major foundations locally are as follows:
- NCB Foundation
- Scotia Foundation
- GraceKennedy Foundation
- Digicel Foundation
- Facey Foundation
- Sagicor Foundation
- Next Move Jamaica International, Inc.
- JN Foundation
Other PEP Bursary Providers
The online PEP results are out! There are so many other scholarship providers that you can approach for financial assistance. We can only list the main ones and direct you to other sources. There are enough awards available for all our PEP students, so don’t be selfish – share the good news.
The following are some of the main donors. These organizations are accepting application today, tell them the online PEP bursary results are out now:
- First Heritage Co-operative Credit Union
- Jamaica Teachers Association (JTA) Credit Union
- Urban Development Corporation (UDC)
- Jamaica Energy Partners
- Betting Gaming and Lotteries Commission
- The Ministry of Education
- VMBS Foundation
- JPS & Partners Credit Union

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