The Rock River Foundation Scholarship Programme is an education financing initiative from the RRF with concentration in Rock River Clarendon. 5-10 awards valued at US$100 each are on offer for enrolled students of the Rock River All-Age School in Clarendon with an application deadline of June 8th.
The Annual Rock River Foundation Scholarship Programme
The Rock River Foundation Scholarship Programme is an education financing initiative from the Rock River Foundation (RRF) (http://www.rockriverjamaica.org) with concentration in Rock River Clarendon. 5-10 awards valued at US$100 each are on offer for enrolled students of the Rock River All-Age School in Clarendon with an application deadline of June 8th.
The Mission of the Rock River Foundation is to organize and drive short and long term improvements of the Rock River Community with a focus on the Rock River All-Age School. We will try to make the Rock River All-Age School one of the top schools in Jamaica.
In time, we will pass on our combined learning, expertise and experiences so that schools in Clarendon and other Parishes will also benefit and the education being delivered to their pupils will improve. In turn, we anticipate that this will lead to local communities being enriched.
There are many ambitious projects planned which include our now completed Learning Centre with a Library and a Computer Room that will be made available to everyone within the community.
There are also other immediate concerns. We are now funding initiatives to help many students who are motivated and full of potential but are in dire need of financial support in order to attend school. The Foundation is prioritizing assistance to them in the form of a breakfast programme, extra classes and GSAT specific lessons.
Other projects are being added as we complete each phase and we continue to implore all to help in any way they can.
The Rock River Foundation scholarships are open to enrolled students of the Rock River All-Age School in Rock River, Clarendon, Jamaica. Applicants must also be very hardworking student with a very good record of attendance with displayed excellent behaviour in and out of school.
Applicants must write an essay in their OWN HANDWRITING of not more than 100 words. Completed application forms and essay must be handed in to their teacher by June 8, 2018
Essay Title:
- What I want to be when I grow up and
- How I think the scholarship will help me.
Rock River Foundation Scholarship Award Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework which will guide the RRF and the Rock River All Age School personnel when awarding scholarships to provide assistance to eligible children moving on to secondary level educational institutions. The Foundation is committed to making sure that financial hardship is not a barrier to students achieving their full potential.
Selection criteria (Applicants should meet at least three)
- Financial hardship: applicants must show known or verifiable financial need. This is the main criteria (for example, someone who is currently on the RRF breakfast programme)
- Academic achievement – applicants should demonstrate academic excellence and be successful in the GSAT exam
- Work ethic – Applicants must be hardworking and have a very good attendance record
- Talent– Applicants show excellence in sports, music, or some other talent and also demonstrate good behaviour
- Potential – Applicants have potential but underperformed due to verifiable difficulties
- Current school – Applicants must be attending the Rock River All Age School
Number of awards
The number of successful awardees of the Rock River Foundation scholarships will vary. It is between 5-10 students, as determined by the Rock River Foundation Board. At least
- Three (3) awards to be given for students demonstrating dire financial needs
- One (1) award to be given for academic excellence
- One (1) to be given for athletic ability/talent
Benefit Amount
One payment of US$100 for each student, paid directly to the parent/guardian. Payment may be adjusted in future years as determined and approved by the Rock River Foundation Board.
- Duration of award: One year (subject to change by the Rock River Foundation Board)
- Costs to be covered: Any of the following: Auxiliary fees/ uniform/transportation /lunch/ books/ other materials
- Deadline for application: June 8 ( subject to discussion with teachers)
The essay
The essay title should be written on the promotional flyer and on the scholarship application form. A written essay
should be submitted with each application form by June 8, 2018.
With reference to the selection criteria, where two or more applicants are considered to be of equal merit, the quality
of the essay submitted could be used as a deciding factor (when awarding scholarship).
Download Resources:
- Rock River Scholarship Award Application Form
- RRF Scholarship Award Policy
- RRF Scholarship Award Flyer
- RRF Newsletter Issue 7
The Rock River Foundation reserves the right to decide which students are awarded a scholarship