Search Results: scholarships

SOL Scholarship Programme for UWI Students

Apply for the 2020/2021 UWI SOL Scholarship undergraduate and graduate programme for students enrolled at the Cave Hill, Mona, St Augustine and Open Campuses. Deadline is June 30th.

J$1.2Million GraceKennedy Rafael Diaz Scholarship In Business

The J$1.2 million GraceKennedy Rafael Diaz Scholarship is offered to UWI Business students in the faculty of Social Sciences and issued J$400k per year for three consecutive years.

COVID-19 Updated Student Visa Regulations for International Students

Here’s what returning students and new graduates should know about the flexibility on international student visa regulations prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.

We Need Permanent SLB Fee Waivers

Jamaican students need a permanent SLB fee waiver! All Student loan applications from the Student Loan Bureau of Jamaica should be free of upfront application and processing fees!

How to Provide Proof of Scholarship Financial Need?

Six best ways to provide evidence of scholarship financial need when applying for scholarship & grants for students in Jamaica & the Caribbean

Getting Started with SEVP Certification

SEVP requires that school officials filing an initial Form I-17 petition upload the required evidence for adjudication at the same time they submit their petition in SEVIS.

PM Holness pledged $750,000 to NCU students affected by COVID-19 via Positive Jamaica Foundation

PM Holness pledged J$750K from Positive Jamaica Foundation to the NCU to fund scholarships and grants for NCU students affected by COVID-19.

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